qSPORT Zagreb’s annual multisport, informative, activistic event - QueerSport Weekend
took place for the 7th time in Zagreb, Croatia, from 13th to 15th of November 2015. With over 60 participants from Croatia, but also around 30 regional athletes from Serbia and Bosnia&Herzegovina participated in diverse activities including sports: women's basketball and football tournament, badminton mini-tournament, ballroom dancing course, swimming training, Krav Maga (self-defense) training, and hiking on the Medvednica mountain just above Zagreb city. On Saturday morning, participants socialized and shared their experience at the brunch, followed by a presentation of sport groups and initiatives from the region, finishing with an interactive panel discussion. We discussed specific regional challenges in organizing sports activities and recent progress in our countries, about visibility, homo/bi/transphobia, experiences of violence against LGBTIQ individuals in sport context, as well as numerous issues with diversity and inclusion. On Saturday night Queer Sport Party started with a Queer Sport themed Quiz with 11 teams participating, and continued with dance deep into night... Many participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia told us after the QueerSport Weekend, that they felt empowered to initiate/continue organizing sports activities, and that it was great to meet new people, connect with sports groups from different countries and share experiences. Though inspired and fulfilled by intense exchanges and great atmosphere, we are still much aware of shortcomings of our event - including: absence of qualified tournament referees, insufficient gender and sexual diversity (although percentage of female participants was higher than percentage of male participants, but no self-identified trans people were involved), and also absence of our work on inclusion of people with disabilities (just mentioned as a topic at the panel discussion). Next year we would also like to include more straight allies and supporters, and to invite people from many other countries/cities. Please find photo albums from QueerSport Weekend posted at our web page: www.qsport.hr/qswphotos.html or facebook: www.facebook.com/qsport.info and also check out fan produced video report (in Croatian) at: youtu.be/ZXa8V0hkT8o |
Photo albums from QueerSport Weekend: www.qsport.hr/qswphotos.html or facebook: www.facebook.com/qsport.info |